Jack Spektor

Jack Spektor

Sitecore Technical Lead

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About Me

Full Stack .Net Developer with more than 14 years of experience in IT. 6 times awarded as Sitecore MVP professional. I have excellent knowledge in .NET technology stack, as well as experienced in JAMStack and transitioning of traditional systems to JAMStack. Pro-active, target-oriented, communicative and reliable. I like to share knowledge and never stop learning.

Contact Information

  • Location: Auckland, NZ

Skills & Expertise


Sitecore CMS (XM/XP and XM Cloud), C#/.NET, MSSQL database, ASP.NET MVC, WCF/SignalR, MSTest/NUnit TDD, Entity Framework/NHibernate ORM, TFS/GIT, GitLab/GitHub/Team City/Octopus CI/CD, Powershell, HTML/Javascript/CSS, Docker/Kubernetes, jQuery, Unity/NInject/Castle IoC, Rhino Mocks/Moq frameworks, Algolia/Coveo/Solr search engines


Javascript/Typescript, NodeJS, NextJS, React/React Native, GraphQL, Apollo Client, MySQL/MongoDB, Prisma ORM, Grunt/Gulp, Umbraco, Strapi, Wordpress, ChatGPT/CHOP development

Professional Experience

Sitecore Technical Lead at AKQA

October 2018Current


  • Business requirements analysis, estimation and communication with the customer and product owner
  • Development of new websites and features based on Sitecore CMS
  • Managing, helping and mentoring of team members
  • Oncall Support for the existing websites
  • Front-end support and styling for the websites
  • Deployment of new features to the testing and production environments
  • Automation of deployment processes for the website builds

Major NZ retail chain online shopping website

Technologies: .NET, Sitecore 10.1 (SXA, SPE), ASP.NET MVC, GitLab, Docker/Kubernetes\

Goal: The project required building from scratch an online store for purchasing retail products with delivery for a major supermarket chain. One of the longest project I've worked so far (6 years), worked in a different roles starting as Senior Sitecore Developer and finishing as Technical Lead. As the project load scaled I was working on optimizing performance due to website traffic growing fast, adding new features, upgrading the Sitecore versions (from 9 to 10, and from 10 PaaS to 10.2.1 on Docker).
Result: The project work was completed on time, and we succesfully accomodated growing load and traffic on one of the most popular NZ online supermarket website.

Major NZ government banking-sector website

Technologies: .NET, Sitecore 9.2 (SXA), ASP.NET MVC, TeamCity, Docker/Kubernetes

Goal: Build a corporate website with information about NZ banking. Due to domain the solution required additional security considerations for CMS editing to minimize the danger of any unauthorized edit.
Result: The project was completed in time; all functionality was well-tested and documented.

Sitecore .Net Developer at Cucumber

October 2014October 2018


  • Development of new websites on Sitecore and Umbraco CMS
  • Support for the existing websites
  • Front-end support and styling for the websites
  • Business requirements analysis, estimation and communication with the customer and product owner
  • Deployment of new features to the testing and production environments
  • Automation of deployment processes for the website builds

Portal for the Australia and New Zealand seeds distributor

Technologies: .NET, Sitecore CMS, ASP.NET MVC, Castle.Windsor, jQuery, Less, GruntJS, TeamCity, Octopus
Goal: Create a portal website for Australia and New Zealand branches, provide ability to login, personalize content based on location and search for products. The site had to support future extension with a large number of modular microsite website, which required attention to site architecture decisions.
Result: The project was completed in time; all functionality was well-tested and documented.

Portal for the major NZ agriculture company

Technologies: .NET, WCF, Sitecore CMS, ASP.NET MVC, NUnit, Castle.Windsor, Angular.js, jQuery, Grunt
Goal: Create a portal website with the ability to login, register, view invoices/statements and reports for the customers. The website development included integration with MailChimp API and AddressFinder API. Also website included a number of microsites that shared logic and data.
Result: As a result of a teamwork the project received a Sitecore award, gone live in time and led to another major website build from the same client.

Portal for the major pharmaceutical company

Technologies: .NET, Sitecore CMS, ASP.NET WebForms, Grunt, NUnit, jQuery
Goal: Extend the functionality of the existing website and add ability to personalize content based on the current website user type, introduce user profile functionality. Also the scope of the project included the extension of the framework for the creation of the microsites.
Result: The project was well-tested completed in time.

Website for financial services for major NZ retail network

Technologies: .NET, Sitecore CMS, ASP.NET Razor, Gulp, jQuery, Octopus
Goal: Perform a site redesign to improve user experience, add personalization capabilities as well as to restructure the content structure.
Result: The project was completed in time and with a good quality

Lead .Net Developer at HYS

February 2013October 2014


  • Development of solutions and tools for IT/telecom area
  • Support and customization of the product
  • Collaboration with team members and customers
  • Management of the team and planning of the product feature releases


Technologies: .NET, WCF, NHibernate, NInject, Rhino.Mocks, NUnit, SCFB, MySQL, CruiseControl.NET
Goal: Extend call-recording software web-service with additionally functionality. During the development big emphasis was set on the compatibility with previous and future versions of the web-service interface.
Result: The project was completed in time; all functionality was well-tested and documented.

Softphone Automation Test Framework

Technologies: .NET, WCF, WinForms, Rhino.Mocks, NUnit, CruiseControl.NET, MySQL, MEF,SilkTest Workbench
Goal: The customer was a Netherlands telecom company which is producing software for the IP telephony. The requirement was to implement framework which will enable QA engineers to automate softphone application testing. This included a development set of tools for QA- engineers, which they could use in order to define a testing scenario.
Result: The project was completed in time, well tested and documented; the project was widely used in the company by several automation teams.

Sitecore .Net Developer at Ciklum

November 2011February 2013


  • Development of Sitecore intranet portal
  • Support and customization of the product
  • Collaboration with team members and customers

Oxygen Social Intranet

Technologies: ASP.NET, WCF, HTML/CSS/JS, jQuery, Sitecore, Sitecore Intranet Portal, Lucene.Net
Goal: The development of the intranet portal which is based on Sitecore Intranet Portal with the addition of social features (activity stream, like, comments, notifications, groups, etc.)
Achievement: We refactored the code base and implemented robust project architecture, as a result project was easy to extend and customize for the specific customer. Performed optimization using caching and indexing for the project which helped the website to perform better under high-load.
Result: The product was sold several times to different customers of the client and much improved financial report of the company in the end of the year.

.Net Developer at Sigma Software

October 2010November 2011


  • Development of web and desktop solutions for customers
  • Debugging and analysis of found bugs
  • Collaboration with team members and customers

Platina Integration

Technologies: ASP.NET, HTML/CSS/JS, jQuery, MSSQL, WCF, WiX
Goal: Platina is a DMS that is widely used in Sweden. The requirement was to extend the system and integrate with already developed document archiving solution. Result: The product development was done in time and performed well under load testing.

Oggifinogi (Collective)

Technologies: ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, WF, WCF, Rhino.Mocks, MSTest, HTML/CSS/JS, jQuery
Goal: Collective is a US company that is managing one of the largest US video-ad networks. I was working on development of self-service application which will enable customers to create preroll video ads by themselves.
Result: As part of the project I researched large codebase and integrated self-service web-application with system services. The project was completed in time and integrated with internal ad-management system.


Sitecore MVP


For regular contributions to Sitecore CMS developer community I was awarded with Sitecore MVP status by Sitecore.

🎤 SUGCON India speaker, SUGCON ANZ speaker

🥇 Technology Sitecore MVP 2018, 2019, 2021, 2024, 2025

🥇 Commerce Sitecore MVP 2020

Sitecore Certified XM Cloud Developer


Passed Sitecore XM Cloud certification that certifies knowledge in building JAMStack applications using Sitecore new XM Cloud SaaS offering.

Hobbies & Interests

In my spare time I enjoy futsal ⚽, surfing 🌊 and travelling ✈️.

I love spending time with my daughter 👧 and exploring New Zealand on a roadtrip together 🚗.